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Choosing E-Signature Software: A Checklist for Schools & Districts


School leaders are currently facing an overwhelming number of challenges. Classes shift between remote, in-person, and hybrid learning models, new HR regulations that impact school policies are being put in place, and an increasing number of students may now need special assistance after struggling with remote learning. The list could go on.  Although there’s no easy cure-all for these issues, there are simple steps you can take to streamline processes within a critical area of responsibility for school leaders: getting required paperwork signed and returned on time.

By using e-signature software to share, sign, and store documents from IEPs to HR agreements, schools can make it easier to maintain compliance while providing parents, guardians, and other recipients with a more convenient signing experience. And when school leaders can get documents signed and returned on time without having to chase people to sign papers, they can re-focus more of their time on other responsibilities.

To help you identify the best solution for your school or district, here is a checklist that breaks down what to look out for when evaluating electronic signature software.

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For schools and districts considering electronic signature software, distinguishing the best choice amongst a sea of options can seem like a daunting task. But by using this checklist as a part of your software selection process, you can begin to quickly identify the offerings that best meet the needs of your entire school from the teachers and administrators to parents and guardians. And with a simple, streamlined way to sign, share, and manage your documents, school leaders will save time and resources that can be reinvested back into the education of your students. 

For more help with navigating purchasing electronic signature software, please contact us! We’d love to hear from you and help answer any questions you may have.

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